Our Coordinator Prof. Diofantos Hadjimitsis as a Deputy Chair at the GEO Climate Change WG Subgroup 1 participated at the online meeting on the 20th of November 2020 with more than 30 participants worldwide. Co-chairs elected through online voting, these will lead established subgroups and be supported by deputy chairs.
4 subgroups established:
•Subgroup 1: Coordination of climate issues across the GEO Work Programme& Synergies with key partners (including WMO)
•Subgroup 2: Engagement with UNFCCC and IPCC
•Subgroup 3: Enhancing the use of EO for Mitigation
•Subgroup 4: Enhancing the use of EO for Adaptation and Loss & Damage
Co-chairs consultations are ongoing, with the aim to develop a CC-WG roadmap and subgroup work plans, reflecting input from CC-WG members expressed through online questionnaire.
During his short intro, EXCELSIOR has been also presented!
Thanks to Virginia Burkett (Chair) and Sara Venturini (GEO) for their great contribution.