1st EXCELSIOR International Virtual Workshop.

The ‘EXCELSIOR’ H2020 Teaming Project Consortium and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) organised the First Virtual International Workshop on ‘Space Operations and Environmental Monitoring in […]

SpaceUpCyprus 2021 live

SpaceUpCyprus-LIVE is an online version of the global “space unconference” SpaceUp. The event will host guest speakers and a Space Balloon designed by PASCAL English School […]

Second Virtual EXCELSIOR Workshop

The ‘EXCELSIOR’ H2020 Teaming Project Consortium and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) organize the Second Virtual International Workshop on ‘Atmospheric & Climate Research in the […]

Webinar: Water Resources Management

The EXCELSIOR H2020 project and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) of the Cyprus University of Technology organized a webinar with topic Water Resources Management. AGENDA […]