Digital Innovation Hub
The Concept
The main concept behind the ERATOSTHENES CoE is to be a fully functional Digital Innovation Hub and a Research Excellence Centre for EO in the EMMENA region, creating an ecosystem where the state-of-the-art sensing equipment, cutting- edge research, targeted education services and entrepreneurship come together. It is based on the paradigm of Open Innovation 2.0 (OI2.0), which is based on the Quadruple Helix Model, where government, industry, academia and society work together to drive change by taking full advantage of the cross-fertilisation of ideas.
ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ERATOSTHENES CoE) as a Regional Digital Innovation Hub for EO in EMMENA
The ERATOSTHENES CoE as a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) adopts a two-axis model. In line with the ERATOSTHENES CoE Vision, the horizontal axis consists of three Thematic Clusters for sustained excellence in research of the ERATOSTHENES CoE, namely: Environment and Climate, Resilient Societies and Big Earth Data Management.
The Eratosthenes CoE consists three Thematic Clusters
Enviroment & Climate
Resilient Society
Big Earth Data Analytics
Description of the three Thematic Clusters
Environment & Climate
Climate Change Monitoring: By establishing an active remote sensing supersite in Cyprus monitoring climate, including aerosols, clouds, dust and pollution in the EMMENA region using the relevant expertise from TROPOS. (Calibration/validation supersite – GBS)
Resilient Society
Disaster Risk Reduction: By transferring relevant expertise from NOA’s BEYOND Centre of Excellence for EO-based monitoring of natural disasters.
Access to Energy: By combining EO data, with physical modelling and machine learning to focus on energy nowcasting, projections, and short-term forecasting, using the relevant expertise from NOA. (EMMENA Solar Energy Observatory)
Water resource management: Resulting from climate change variables, including droughts, water shortages, water quality, freshwater aquifers and land desertification, using the relevant expertise from DLR.
Big Earth Data Analytics
Data management and analytics: For researching explorative algorithms to improve information retrieval from petabytes of remotely sensed data, using the relevant expertise from NOA and DLR (Big Earth Data Analytics)
The ERATOSTHENES CoE engages with the complete ecosystem of stakeholders in a Multi-Actor approach, linking with players segmented according to their geographic location (from central Europe, to South-Eastern Europe, to EMMENA region), their position in the EO value chain (from EO data providers, to science laboratories and research institutes, to SMEs and large industries) and their mandate (from Public Sector, to sectorial coordination organisations, to economic development banks, etc).

The ERATOSTHENES CoE will exploit the networks that the EXCELSIOR partners are members of to facilitate capacity building, knowledge transfer, research partnerships, etc. Specifically,
The Infrastructure Area
Will be responsible for the seamless use of the existing and future ERATOSTHENES CoE infrastructure, their proper operations and the unobstructed access to EO data by the ERATOSTHENES CoE staff and stakeholders.
The Research Area
Will be responsible for the development of science and research which later on will lead into the development of ERATOSTHENES CoE services.
The Education Area
Will sustain the development and operation of ERATOSTHENES CoE as a Regional Digital Innovation Hub. The specific activities of the Education area include the MSc & PhDs hosting programme, a Skills Development Centre and a Professional Training Programme.
The Entrepreneurship Area
Will be responsible for ensuring the sustainability of the ERATOSTHENES CoE and stimulating national and regional growth, through the exploitation of the IPR, licensing of innovation and market uptake of new EO-based products, services and solutions generated by the ERATOSTHENES CoE and the Strategic Partners.

Ecoe as a Regional Digital Innovation Hub for EO in Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa (EMMENA)
The ECoE as a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) adopts a two-axis model in line with the ECoE Vision. Τhe horizontal axis consists of three Thematic Clusters:
- Environment and Climate
- Resilient Society
- Big Earth Data Analytics) for sustained excellence in research of the ECoE
The vertical axis consists of four Functional Areas:
- Infrastructure
- Research
- Education
- Entrepreneurship