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Second Virtual EXCELSIOR Workshop

Date & Time:

May 24 @ 12:00 am

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The ‘EXCELSIOR’ H2020 Teaming Project Consortium and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) organize the Second Virtual International Workshop on ‘Atmospheric & Climate Research in the EMMENA Region’. This Workshop is a part of a series of annual workshops with participation of all national and international stakeholders of EXCELSIOR, addressing all the different activities of the ECoE, i.e. infrastructure, research, education and innovation through entrepreneurship.Motivation: Bringing together atmospheric researchers and EXCELSIOR stakeholders concerned with EMMENA for identification of challenges and future projects.
The Second Virtual EXCELSIOR Workshop is co-organized with the Cyprus Remote Sensing Society for the RSCy2021.
Free attendance via ZOOM. Please register through: http://tiny.cc/EWorkshop2
Preliminary agenda: http://tiny.cc/EW_Agenda
Watch the workshop online via YouTube:
Part 1

Part 2