Professor Phaedon Kyriakidis member of the and ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence team participated at the 3rd Conference of Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis in Agriculture and the Environment as an invited speaker giving a lecture entitled “Spatial Analysis and Spatial Statistics in Environment and Agriculture”. The Conference was organized by the Geographical Information Systems Research Unit of the Agricultural University of Athens and the Hellenic Society of Geographic Information Systems (Hellas GIS) and took place on the 11th to 13th of December 2019 at the Conference Amphitheatre of the Agricultural University of Athens.
The GIS Research Unit is conducting conferences, special workshops – meetings, educational seminars, participating in research programs and implementing a modular program of research work in the postgraduate field of “Geo-informatics and Spatial Analysis” of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering contributing to deal with the requirements of modern agriculture and environmental problems, as well as highlighting the role of GIS in solving them.
Geographic Information Systems are digital spatial systems, today combined with the rapid development of new technologies for data collection (UAV-drones, digital cameras, sensors, etc.) and their transmission through IoT technologies (Internet of things) and their online promotion, provide significant impetus-boost to the resolution and handling of contemporary problems of Greek Agriculture and the sustainability of the natural environment.
The 3rd Conference will cover issues related to all the above technologies in combination with spatial analysis and the creation of digital spatio-temporal observatories in different types of crops (vineyard, olive, large crops, aromatic and pharmaceutical, etc.) trying to extract useful scientific as well as practical conclusions on a holistic digital farm management and tackling natural resource and natural phenomena management issues. It goes along and strives to contribute to the wider philosophy of extroversion and the effort of AUA to support the agricultural sector through new educational and research subjects related to modern digital spatial technologies, which are reinforced by the newly established Department of Information Technology in the Agriculture and the Environment, which will accept students from September 2020.
The objectives of the conference will be achieved through specific sessions with scientific announcements, workshops and a special day with Case Studies presenting real cases of farms combining all the parts of a modern and integrated digital, spatially defined agriculture; all the parts of a modern and integrated digital, spatially defined agriculture.
To learn more about the Conference please Click Here