A meeting was conducted between the team of the EXCELSIOR project and Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI), to discuss further collaboration through the EXCELSIOR project. The meeting was organized by the Cyprus University of Technology and took place on the 16th of January 2020 at the premises of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in Limassol, Cyprus. The meeting was organized by CUT and was attended by, Mr. Zacharias Siokouros CEO of the CMMI, Prof. Nicholas Makris who is acting as the Director of the Center for Ocean Engineering from MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering (MITMechE); Prof. Diofantos Hadjimitsis Coordinator of the EXCELSIOR Project and his team members Prof. Christos Danezis, Prof. Phaedon, C. Kyriakidis, Dr. Christiana Papoutsa, Mr. Marios Tzouvaras, Dr. Kyriacos Neocleous and Dr. Thomaida Polydorou.