SpaceUpCyprus 2021 live

SpaceUpCyprus-LIVE is an online version of the global “space unconference” SpaceUp. The event will host guest speakers and a Space Balloon designed by PASCAL English School […]

Second Virtual EXCELSIOR Workshop

The ‘EXCELSIOR’ H2020 Teaming Project Consortium and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) organize the Second Virtual International Workshop on ‘Atmospheric & Climate Research in the […]

Webinar: Water Resources Management

The EXCELSIOR H2020 project and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) of the Cyprus University of Technology organized a webinar with topic Water Resources Management. AGENDA […]


In the framework of GIS Day, the EXCELSIOR H2020 project, the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) and the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the […]