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SpaceUpCyprus 2021 live

Date & Time:

March 19 @ 12:00 am

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SpaceUpCyprus-LIVE is an online version of the global “space unconference” SpaceUp. The event will host guest speakers and a Space Balloon designed by PASCAL English School Larnaka will be released into the atmosphere, carrying students’ experiments into near-space altitudes. The payload (the load carried by our Space Balloon) will reach an altitude of 90,000 feet and will withstand temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius and high solar radiation for 6 hours. The Space Balloon will then return to Cyprus, so the findings can be analysed and students can draw conclusions about the accuracy of their experimental predictions.SpaceUpCyprus 2021 LIVE takes place in the framework of the First Pancyprian Space Education Week, which is organized by the Cyprus Space Foundation, the EXCELSIOR H2020 Teaming Project and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence of the Cyprus University of Technology.