Why Excelsior

In our capacity as a consortium acting in the domains of Earth Observation (EO), Geospatial Information (GI) and Space Applications

We are motivated by the big European space programmes Galileo and Copernicus and their downstream effects on European economy and science

We take the opportunity of the Cyprus Government investing to become full European Space Agency (ESA) member

We are motivated by the unique location of Cyprus as the most south-eastern EU member state, within the Eastern Mediterranean area offering geoscientific, economic and social opportunities and challenges

We are inspired from the fact the Earth Observation (EO) has been identified by ESA experts, as one of the three domains for potential future Plan for European Cooperating States projects in Cyprus

We are aligned with the Smart Specialization Strategy for Cyprus

We feel the responsibility since ERATOSTHENES Research Centre (ERC) is the only EO center in Cyprus

We are stimulated from our mission to upgrade the ERC to ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ERATOSTHENES CoE)

Space-based Earth Observation where three Continents meet facing common challenges for making citizens and societies resilient to sustainable development