

Professor, Vice-Rector of Financial Planning
Chairman of the Board of Directors at ECoE

Prof. Evangelos AKYLAS

Education: Dr Akylas received his BSc in Physics in 1994, his MSc in Environmental Physics in 1997, and his PhD in Physics in October 2005, all from the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece. For his PhD he received a scholarship from the Hellenic State (IKY). For the period 2005 – 2007 he gained a European Marie Curie Fellowship and continued his research at the University of Cyprus.  In 2008, he won a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant (45,000 Euros) for continuing his research on turbulence modelling, with emphasis on the extension of Particle Representation Modelling to applications (PRIMA project).

Professional background: In 2006, Dr Akylas was hired as an Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), where he continued research on fundamental and applied aspects of fluid mechanics. He also proceeded with his work in the field of hydrology‐hydraulics. Furthermore, he represented NOA’S team supervising, monitoring and evaluating the project for the development of an Integrated Monitoring Program and related Data Bases to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 of the European Union in Cyprus. At the end of 2009, Dr. Akylas joined CUT as an Assistant Professor. Currently he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology, where he teaches hydrology, hydraulics and fluid mechanics. At the end of 2012 he initiated the Environmental Fluid Mechanics research Group, working in turbulence modelling and applied fluid mechanics with applications in environmental flows. The joint activity of the Group seeks innovative modelling ideas for interesting dynamical problems, providing wide opportunities for collaborations with specialists of different fields within and outside the academic environment. The study of these challenging flow problems has resulted in publications in a wide range of different research areas, whilst the attained expertise has led to scientific contributions to numerous research projects (17). His published work, as an author or co‐author, includes 33 papers in refereed international journals and more than 70 papers in edited volumes, refereed conference proceedings and conference presentations, as well as 9 technical reports. He also acts as a reviewer, on a systematic basis, for several journals in the field of fluid mechanics and hydrology. From 2020, Dr Akylas is the Chair of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) as a part of the upgrade of the existing Remote Sensing and Geo-Environment Lab (ERATOSTHENES Research Centre), operating within the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, through the EXCELSIOR H2020 Teaming Project (www.excelsior2020.eu).

Research: His principal research field is theoretical fluid mechanics, with emphasis on both analytical and numerical studies of fluxes in laminar and turbulent flows. He is also active in the field of subsurface hydrology, with emphasis in groundwater flow, aquifer depletion/seawater intrusion and aquifer recharge problems, as well as in experimental and computational studies of water quality and transport phenomena in reservoir.

Selected publications:

  1. GRAVANIS E., AKYLAS E. and G. LIVADIOTIS (2020), Physical meaning of temperature in super statistics, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters.
  2. GRAVANIS E., AKYLAS E., MICHAILIDIS C. and G. LIVADIOTIS (2020), Super statistics and isotropic turbulence, accepted for publication in Physica A.
  3. GRAVANIS E., AKYLAS E., PANAGIOTOU CF and G. LIVADIOTIS (2019), Kappa Distributions and Isotropic Turbulence, Entropy 21 (11), 1093.
  4. GRAVANIS E. and AKYLAS (2017), Early‐Time Solution of the Horizontal Unconfined Aquifer in the Buildup Phase, Water Resources Research 53 (10), 8310-8326.
  5. GRAVANIS E. and AKYLAS E. (2017), Isotropic turbulence in compact space, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 822, 512-560.
  6. AKYLAS E. and GRAVANIS E. (2015), Quasi steady flow in sloping aquifers, Water Resources Research, 51(11), pp. 9165 – 9181.