


Senior Researcher A’
ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE – Atmosphere (Leader)

Dr. Rodanthi Elisavet MAMOURI

ORCID: 0000-0003-4836-8560

Rodanthi-Elisavet Mamouri [REM] is Physicist holding M.Sc. in Environmental Physics from the Aristolian University of Thessaloniki and PhD in “Atmospheric Remote Sensing” from Laboratory of Laser Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere at the Physics Department of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. In parallel to her research activities, since 2007 she is involved at the Curriculum of Universities and Technical Institutes (BSc½MSc) giving lectures in the field of Physics, Environmental Studies and Remote Sensing Techniques. Today, REM is the Head of the sector of Atmosphere at the Department of Climate and Environment of the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence and responsible for the Cyprus Atmospheric Remote Sensing Observatory [CARO]. She has long experience in research projects (>25) of National and European level related to remote sensing applications, to satellite CAL/VAL activities, air pollution monitoring, aerosol-cloud interaction and atmospheric dynamics, extreme atmospheric events, dust storms, natural disasters, air pollution in urban and build environment. She is member of the EARLINET and ACTRIS-ERIC and PI of the CARO National Facility. Her main scientific interest is the study of mineral dust and smoke properties, its climatic role and its impact on cloud and precipitation formation and solar radiation. She has 49 publications on ISI journals (h-index=30, citations 2467, excluding self-citation, source: Scopus) and more than 120 oral/poster presentations at international conferences.