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Fifth Annual Hybrid EXCELSIOR Workshop

Date & Time:

March 29 @ 12:00 am

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Τhe ‘EXCELSIOR’ H2020 Teaming Project Consortium and the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) of the Cyprus University of Technology organize the 5th EXCELSIOR Annual Hybrid Workshop in AI and Big Data: Trends and Challenges. This Workshop is a part of a series of annual workshops with participation of national and international stakeholders of EXCELSIOR, addressing all the different activities of the ECoE, i.e. infrastructure, research, education and innovation through entrepreneurship.
The main aim of this year’s workshop is is to harness the power of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) alongside Earth Observation and Remote Sensing technologies. Distinguished academics and researchers from different institutions/organisations will share their valuable expertise and knowledge in Big Data and AI in Earth Observation. These research topics are fully aligned with the European Union’s Space Programme, EU Space Strategy and Agenda.

Registrations: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcemgrT0sGd1NcHA3WNmpBoDgruZ52CHK

Agenda: TBA