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Cities and Climate Change – Invited talk by Dr. Nektarios Chrysoulakis

Date & Time:

November 12 @ 12:00 am

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✔️ The EXCELSIOR H2020 project, the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) and the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology organized today a virtual invited talk by Dr Nektarios Chrysoulakis.🙏 Sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Chrysoulakis and all the participants!

Dr. Nektarios Chrysoulakis is a Director of Research at FORTH and Head of the Remote Sensing Lab (http://rslab.gr), operating Flux Tower Infrastructures in the city of Heraklion (http://www.rslab.gr/heraklion_eddy.html). He holds a BSc in Physics, a MSc in Environmental Physics and PhD in Remote Sensing from the University of Athens. He has been involved in R&D projects funded by the European Union, the European Space Agency and the Ministries of Environment, Development, Culture and Education. His main research interests include climate change and urbanization, urban climate, urban energy balance, urban resilience, urban planning and metabolism, natural and technological hazards, surface temperature and albedo, environmental monitoring and change detection. Dr. Chrysoulakis is cPI of the European Research Council (ERC) Synergy project urbisphere (http://urbisphere.eu), focusing on coupling dynamic cities and climate. He is the coordinator of the H2020-Space project CURE (http://cure-copernicus.eu), focusing on Copernicus services exploitation in the domain of urban resilience. He has coordinated the projects URBANFLUXES (H2020), SEN4RUS (ERA.Net-RUS Plus), BRIDGE (FP7) GEOURBAN (FP7). He has also participated projects ECOPOTENTIAL (H2020), THINKNATURE (H2020), IGIC (LIFE) and FLIRE (LIFE). Dr. Chrysoulakis is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Crete, teaching the course “Principles and Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing”; and at the CIHEAM-MAICh, teaching the course “Remote sensing of Urban Environments”. He is involved in GEO Climate Change Working Group, as well as in GEO Programme Board Urban Resilience Subgroup. He has more than 250 publications in per-review journals and conference proceedings.

🎥 Watch the invited talk online via YouTube!